ATTN: Al Cole needs a headcount for the Shrimp Boil. You can post your response under the event on our FaceBook page, contact a Spokumbent member directly, or email with your name and number of people you’re bringing. Like last year, the cost per person is anticipated to be about $10 to cover the awesome food. Hope to see you there!
So says Al: “Back by popular demand, we are planning another Shrimp Boil. This time it will be in a little warmer weather. I plan to start cooking at 3 p.m. and anticipate the shrimp and stuff to come out of the pot about 4. (For those wanting to ride beforehand, we'll meet at the clubhouse at 1 p.m. and ride east on the Centennial Trail as far as folks want to go, probably about 2 hours total.) I will try to minimize the cost depending upon inflation....Once again I look forward to bringing a wee bit of South Louisiana to the table......Allons.....”
For more information, please check out our Facebook page, contact a Spokumbent member, or email